Breakfast how much?

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cannondale boy

Über Member
On cereal packets it states 30 grams is the daily requirement, but do you stick to those guidelines. I for one don't weigh 30g into a bowl, as i know myself it won't last me till lunch time. + i don't have the time getting the scales out :biggrin:.

I have porridge (50g) with some hunny, and just before i set off have a banana. So what kind of breakfast do you have, if any?

Ben M

Senior Member
lol "hunny"

I usually have two slices of toast with jam/marmalade and a large bowl of cereal. Occasionally some bacon on the side, depends upon the day of the week (catered university halls)


New Member
45G of porrage made with no fat soy milk and no fat soy yougurt, handful of nuts and sultans. Washed down with a glas of OJ and a protein shake.


New Member
Dayvo said:
Depends if it swings!
Less fat in the swing ones, nice n lean ;)

Deleted member 1258

:ohmy: A large bowel of porridge with a hand full of mixed dried fruit, a pinch of crushed hazelnuts and a sprinkling of brown sugar, washed down with a glass of orange juice.

jay clock

Massive member
Hampshire UK
All Bran and Fruit and Fibre. SKimmed milk. Fresh coffee. A slice of toasted homemade bread if I am feeling I can burn it off later. Occasionally some Weetabix


I have a bowl of cereal before leaving the house. No idea how much, I just fill the bowl up (and it's bigger than your standard cereal bowl!). At work about an hour in I have a chopped up banana in yoghurt or if I'm feeling flush, a bagel from the canteen.


New Member
Plax said:
I have a bowl of cereal before leaving the house. No idea how much, I just fill the bowl up (and it's bigger than your standard cereal bowl!). At work about an hour in I have a chopped up banana in yoghurt or if I'm feeling flush, a bagel from the canteen.

Are you sure its not a Trifle Dish ? :biggrin:


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
Plax said:
I have a bowl of cereal before leaving the house. No idea how much, I just fill the bowl up (and it's bigger than your standard cereal bowl!). At work about an hour in I have a chopped up banana in yoghurt or if I'm feeling flush, a bagel from the canteen.

jimboalee said:
Are you sure its not a Trifle Dish ? :rolleyes:

Is someone trifling with Plax?
You'll be taken into custardy...
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