OK, what are my views on my dual pivot callipers? I'm quite happy with the stopping power, the looks, and the weight. I'm less happy with their ability to release the wheel - if running 28mm tyres I have to let the tyre down. I also find fitting new cables and blocks a right fiddle. Not as much of a fiddle as setting up old centre-pulls, or single pivot sidepulls that wouldn't centre, but annoying nonetheless. I used to have one of those "third hand" gismos for holding the brakes shut, but I lost it.
So maybe a bit of attention to the ergonomics of installation and adjustment (cables, blocks and centring). Although I fear the result of that would be a bit gimmicky. (You may end up re-inventing the "third hand"!).
I remember my final year project at university. It investigated a now discarded theory relating to DNA sequences. My conclusion - backed by detailed stats and lots of work was that I couldn't find any evidence for it, just noise. I got rave reviews for it (unusually for my rather lacklustre academic career). Which just goes to show that even if you don't come up with an amazing quantum leap improvement in brake callipers, but work diligently and demonstrate your skills then that will be a success in itself.