Bosch motor - problems???

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Just to re-enforce the point where folk stand with Bosch motors. Basically neglect service at your peril :whistle:
What are the service intervals? I've had my Cube a year but only done a couple hundred miles on it

I don't think they can be serviced as such, talk I've read online says they are pretty much a sealed unit. We can update the software (I have) but that's about it I think.
For those who have these things: check the six motor mounting bolts regularly. They are self tapping units that torque to about 12 Nm, ( I’ll check this figure and update it ) if they work loose it can damage the housing to the point where the bolt can’t be retightened… buggering your motor. I’ve seen three bikes with missing motor mounting bolts in the last year, one had damaged the motor as a result.

why Bosch chose to use self tapping bolts is no mystery, it makes for easy and less expensive assembly at the factory, but it does cheapen what is thought of as a premium product quite a bit. Quite disappointing.

makes me wish we’d gone with Yamaha.
My bike is off the road for a week or so now, I wanted to fit a chain guide as the chain kept jumping off the chain ring in 1st gear. Unfortunately a combination of the wrong part coming with the right label (don't ask!) and Raleigh's decision to fit a very proprietry front chainring means a once simple job has turned into something else. Its at the local LBS now who have been been very helpful so far, fingers crossed it is plain sailing from here on in.
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