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Cycling in the sun
mondobongo said:
The time being? Is it not a couple of years you have him for, unless of course he does something so totally mad zany crazy and off the wall that he has to resign.

This is Boris ... so totally crazy ........... is it going to be weeks or months:biggrin:?

As a personality he is funny ... but how did he ever get a position of power?


New Member
Boris becoming mayor of Londinium is the one small crumb of comfort for Misery-guts Broon in Number 10.

As soon as Boris makes his first public gaff, old man Broon can do his best Private Frazer impersonation, point and say, "Vote for the Conservatives and you're all doomed... doomed, aye."


back and brave
Ken has done great things for London. I feel disappointed that all London doesn't see that. Was there 'anti-Ken' and, worse still, 'anti-Labour', vote rather than 'pro-Boris'? I wonder what Ken will do now. I hope there is some role for him, as Boris intimated.

I do hope Boris can be equally as good and that the buffoon is just a character. I wonder whether he'll make any significantly noticeable changes or will he just tinker around the edges?


New Member
yello said:
Ken has done great things for London. I feel disappointed that all London doesn't see that. Was there 'anti-Ken' and, worse still, 'anti-Labour', vote rather than 'pro-Boris'? I wonder what Ken will do now. I hope there is some role for him, as Boris intimated.

I do hope Boris can be equally as good and that the buffoon is just a character. I wonder whether he'll make any significantly noticeable changes or will he just tinker around the edges?

One should never make the mistake of thinking Boris's buffoonery is a sign of stupidity. The man isn't daft, he's clever and he's nasty IMO. He uses his buffoonery as a 'cover' for his true nastiness.

Andy in Sig

Vice President in Exile
wafflycat said:
One should never make the mistake of thinking Boris's buffoonery is a sign of stupidity. The man isn't daft, he's clever and he's nasty IMO. He uses his buffoonery as a 'cover' for his true nastiness.

I suspect, at the risk of getting a bit "Soapboxy" that your "nastiness" idea is just good old fashioned lefty lack of sporting behaviour, something which at least Ken had the good grace to display when he conceded.

I read a fair bit of Boris's journalism when he was editor of the Specatator and as far as I can see the man is full of good humour, common sense and general decency. In any event, love him or loathe him, he is at least recognisable as a human being and not a grey suited non-entity which is the norm and he does have a sense of humour (an alien concept to most of his opponents). London is in my non-metropolitan opinion a luckier place this morning.

Oh and he rides a bike.:angry:


back and brave
Andy in Sig said:
In any event, love him or loathe him, he is at least recognisable as a human being and not a grey suited non-entity which is the norm and he does have a sense of humour (an alien concept to most of his opponents).

That could equally describe Ken Livingston.

Andy in Sig

Vice President in Exile
yello said:
That could equally describe Ken Livingston.

Agreed and FWIW I think he did a fair to good job of running London. Some of his purely political activity though (e.g. sharing platforms with Islamic fundamentilists) was IMO disgraceful.


Well-Known Member
North London.
I think I have woken up to a nightmare scenario. I'm sure Bozza has good intentions but the fact remains he's an idiot. He said he will "work flat out" for London. He's never done an honest days work in his life.
I have some personal experience of Bozza and the buffoonery is no pretence, he really is an idiot. Honestly.
I despair that Londoners voted him in and will wait and see what happens. I think Paul Merton put it very well last night on "Have I got news for you" when he said that Bozza will do something innovative (in his eyes) and everyone will realise he's useless.


catwoman said:
I despair that Londoners voted him in and will wait and see what happens. I think Paul Merton put it very well last night on "Have I got news for you" when he said that Bozza will do something innovative (in his eyes) and everyone will realise he's useless.
Exactly my thoughts too !
I thought people would have voted for more Green Assembly members. And an even bigger disgrace that the BNP have an member now :biggrin:

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
yello said:
Ken has done great things for London. I feel disappointed that all London doesn't see that. Was there 'anti-Ken' and, worse still, 'anti-Labour', vote rather than 'pro-Boris'? I wonder what Ken will do now. I hope there is some role for him, as Boris intimated.

I do hope Boris can be equally as good and that the buffoon is just a character. I wonder whether he'll make any significantly noticeable changes or will he just tinker around the edges?

Have you seen his father? I'm afraid it's genetic :smile:
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