Boris Bike and bl**dy motor cycles

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Had my first ride on a Boris bike today. Quite enjoyable really and not too slow once you get up to speed.
I was going along Lower Thames Street towards Tower Hill and doing a fair pace of well over 10 mph in the cycle lane shown here

Street view

The traffic was completely stationary in both the lanes and two motor bikes really took exception to me preventing them from using the cycle lane, with much revving and even riding alongside me. When I stopped at one of the lights they overtook me and left hooked me to get past. If I had been on my normal bike they definitely wouldn't have got past, although I would have been going a bit faster.

I can't believe why they thought they had precedence in a cycle lane over me. I was really furious, but wasn't much I could do. I hope Karma intervenes at some point!

Anyone else had a similar situation


Cycle Camera TV
South Croydon
You could have stopped, got off, picked up the boris bike and thrown it at them.

Ok maybe you couldn't pick it up, those things weight a tonne!
Well they do say that civilization stops south of Watford Gap :whistle:
My experience of London is that any users of a particular form of transport criticising other groups is hypocrisy
generally as it's a free for all circus though it's fair enough in individual cases such as this.


Well-Known Member
Well they do say that civilization stops south of Watford Gap :whistle:
My experience of London is that any users of a particular form of transport criticising other groups is hypocrisy
generally as it's a free for all circus though it's fair enough in individual cases such as this.
Wishing karma on others in a free for all circus is a dangerous game as the wheel inevitably will turn full circle.
The only issues I've had with Boris Bikes are sometimes slightly dodgy gears not working, and not being able to go fast by having a high enough gear on the downhills. Everything else happens on whatever bike your on I think?

Oh and not knowing london roads and where the potholes are! Nearly came a cropper last time as I was looking ahead and didnt notice the camouflaged hole in front of me :biggrin:


New Member
Perhaps they'd taken the description of their vehicle written on their tax disc literally - ever noticed it says "Bicycle" on there?

Mad at urage

New Member
I take it a Boris Bike is one of those jelly mould inspired bike things in London ?
I prefer the description "A cross between a shopper bike and a vandal-proofed bus shelter" (or thereabouts) :laugh:

Alan Whicker

Senior Member
Lower Thames Street is a nightmare - dangerous enough without a Kawasaki up yer 'arris. It is (as I understand it) illegal to cross a sold white line but it's never, ever enforced. I ride up and down it every day.
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