Chuffy said:
Ooooo-kayyyyyy, let me get this straight, you don't think there are any serious cyclists on here? And you base this on what, the fact that when you spout endless fishdrivel about mudguards you get the piss ripped?
Just confirm that I'm right and then I'll get Mickle to hold your head down the bog while I flush it. We'll get some sense into you one way or another...
in the ten minutes that i've been eating some crackers and cheese and
watching enduring the remains of i'm a celbrity get me out of here, the end of (thank god)., my mind became numbed (for some reason - can't think what
), so during which time i racked my brains and managed to think of one or two. Still haven't run out of fingers on whcih to count them, and i haven't started usign more than one hand yet, put it that way.
The problem with this forum, is that it's almost as if as soon someone's got a bike and declares themself "a cyclist", then it considers that it's done its job, onto the next one. The sole job of a cycling forum shouldn't end as soon as someone has been converted into a cyclist. That's where it should start. And no sooner than that, it shouldn't be our job to convert non cyclists into cyclists AT ALL - it's not a bloody production line for gods sake