boardman computer in halfords

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I don't have one, but I looked at them and discounted it. The boardman computers seem to get mixed reviews- enough to put me off.


Senior Member
I have one and find it to be accurate and reliable, done almost 1000 miles with it so far.

The lad at Halfords that fitted it was having problems getting the cadence to show so in the end I took it away to do myself and found that the sensor on the crank is not strong enough to send the signal to the stem on a large road bike, (Lots of people having this problem if you look into it). I mounted mine on the front of the crossbar in the end, works fine for me but I have to lean back a bit to see it if I'm on the drops It's OK on the huds.

If you can make it work OK it is very good for the price.


New Member
I have the one with the altimiter and I don't think a lot of it. The max speed has never worked - unless I actually can get up to 55mph - and the elevation is never the same twice. Mine was £40. For less than that I got a cateye that is way better.


New Member
Better getting them off ebay for around £30, mine works Ok but cadence sometimes doesn't work and altimeter needs reset before every use.


Squat Member
has anyone brought 1 of these and would they recommend it ?

I bought one a couple of months after getting my original comp bike, it functioned ok at first but the unit packed up after a short time. The display was also rubbish being feint and could only read it at a certain angle, with sunlight it was terrible.

I showed the halfords guys and they agreed it was pap. They recommended the wired bikehut one which I exchanged and that functioned far better but was annoying having the wired cadence.

In the end I got a garmin 500, if you have the cash invest in one instead of going through multiple cheap computers.


New Member
I gave this lots of research and in the end went for the cyclemeter app for my phone. I'd be carrying it anyway for emergencies, and it has all the functions I need. If you've a smartphone or iPhone I'd certainly recommend trying it for the £2.99 it cost! No cadence though, if you definitely need that function...
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