Blown off my bike true story

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Itching to get back on my bike's
well riding back to work today after dinner time , struggling against the wind when all of a sudden a strong gust from the right hand side gives me a whopper of a tankslapper and then just as i get straight again along comes its brother who blows me clean over and ditches me on to the grassy / mud verge in a heap !

luckly no damage done to either me or my machine other than a broken bottle cage

in all my years of cycling never happened before


Very rough night. Glad you are OK.


Legendary Member
You were very lucky. Glad the bike is ok.

I went sideways unexpectedly on the way home but towards the middle of the road, luckily nothing passing me at the time.


Über Member
Had the front wheel blown about 20 degrees off-course very suddenly on the Crooked Billet RAB (Staines, not Walthamstow) tonight, scary stuff but rewarded by an amazing tailwind on the way to the pub


Senior Member
Cycling home from work this morning, on a single speed with bout 66" winter gearing... I got to work on my cadence.. Full on tailwind :smile:.


My Armchair
Just got home from my 10pm finish,that was without doubt the scariest ride I've had in 18+ months.
35mph winds,nearly blown into the kerb on numerous occasions,and at times was doing <9mph on the flat.
Still it's over now,and it's all experience for a novice like me.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I hope it settles down for my forum ride tomorrow! :eek:

The worst wind I ever experienced was on the Costa Blanca. The coast road from Benidorm to Calpe goes through a couple of tunnels in a gorge. One ride, the wind getting funnelled down through the tunnel must have been doing 50+ mph. I was standing on the pedals in a 39/29 gear and couldn't make forward progress. My trackstand came to an end when my legs gave way and I started getting blown backwards. I did an emergency dismount and my Cannondale got blown out of my hands and was about to disappear over the fence into the gorge below. I managed to wrestle it back to the ground and decided that I should have listened to the advice given at the hotel, that it was too windy to ride! Going back to the hotel, I was doing 30 mph without pedalling and spinning out in a 53/13 gear when I did!


Comrade Member
Limoges or York
My van trip from Limoges to York started at 1pm (CET) yesterday and it was windy from the start. Near Chartres they closed the road due to powerlines across the road. Near Abbeville the road surface was completely obscured by surface water and solid rain. At Calais it was forecast to gust at 45 mph around 10 pm and they'd closed a lane of the autoroute so no overtaking could take place (no cones and the only driver who ignored both the speed limit and overtaking restriction was a Brit in a large 4x4). Thankfully I was going through the tunnel.

But undoubtedly the windiest part of the journey was round Leeds.

(Must admit I was thinking conditions are pretty tough but then I thought no, it's a doddle, I could be out on my bike in this facing reality, instead of cocooned in a snug tin box)


Cycling in the sun
Hmm after struggling with the wind last night and on the school run, I managed to fall off (no I'm not sure how myself) on the way back and I don't think I can blame the wind - at least I hadn't noticed any at that point... nobody seemed to notice otherwise I would have blamed the wind....


Legendary Member
I got blown/slammed into the Armco barrier on the climb up the Bealach na Ba a few years ago, ripped my front pannier off the rack, at the same time my girlfriend was blown off the road (no barrier where she was) and was able to jump off and watch her bike somersault down the hillside about 20 metres.


New Member
I remember cycling to work years ago in gusty weather when a gust of wind hit me in the back and propelled me down the road at such a speed I admit to being frightened. I managed to hold my nerve and steer the bike down the road, i had to go past my turning though because i couldn't stop in time. it felt like a giant hand on my back, i really thought I was going to crash into something. It then stopped and I had to turn round and get back to my turning. It showed me the power of the wind. i won't ride ingusty weather if i can avoid it.


Legendary Member
"My trackstand came to an end when my legs gave way and I started getting blown backwards." Excellent!  :thumbsup:


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I was descending Holme Moss towards Woodhead once in windy conditions. The wind eased off so I let go of the brakes and got up to 50 mph. Suddenly a huge gusty crosswind caught me and sent me straight across the road. I was within inches of crashing. It wouldn't have been pretty... Fortunately, nothing was coming the other way at the time.
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