Bloody well done the lads!!

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rich p

ridiculous old lush
Cathryn said:
Me too. I think he's just grumpy.

Shhhhh but between you and me, and I didn't really want to mention this but I'm beating him easily in the Fantasy Rugby World Cup and I think he's taking it badly:thumbsup::biggrin::rolleyes:

slow down

New Member
We did win, but not a particularly good performance. England seem to play one dimensional rugby - when you get it, throw it to Wilkinson or Gomersal and kick it back to the opposition or into the crowd. It keeps the ball in the other half and they rely on the other team making mistakes to give away penalties. Even that almost misfired last night with Wilkinson seemingly having his boots on the wrong feet for most of the match.

That said, Id rather play poorly and win than be french play well and lose.

I just hope that Argentina win tonight so we have a chance in the final (and another chance to beat another old enemy).:biggrin:


Legendary Member
Unfortunately for you, I'm way beyond "generally perky" and it takes more than a grumpy bloke to get me down!!! :biggrin: I'll go on being excited, you go on pretending not to be and we'll both be cheering the boys on next weekend.

Elmer Fudd

Miserable Old Bar Steward
Abitrary said:
If that had been British sports fans, rugby or football, or tennis or whatever, I would never of gone in there for fear of having my face booted off
Not quite right there Abe mate, football matches are kicked off early to stop the fans going to the pub. Grounds are mostly dry, segregated fans.
Rugby, everyone meets in the pub, has a few too many bevvies, goes to ground, first stop the bar for a couple of (sadly plastic) pints of beer, finds seat, next to opposition fan, friendly banter takes place, he buys you a beer, you buy him one. Shake hands at end of match, maybe even retire to pub together. It's a brilliant atmosphere.


Legendary Member
Most biased bit of sports commentary I have ever heard - that Miles whatisname and Stuart Barnes should be ashamed of themselves;)
Didn't think it was much of a game, in fact I would go as far to say it was pretty boring, the England team just seem to lack any flair. Dons tin helmet and retreats a safe distance:smile:

Must admit though that I was struggling to stay awake during the second half due to several beers consumed during and after Scotland's glorious victory over Ukraine:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

All together now -

We'll be coming, we'll be coming down the road,
We'll be coming down the road,
When you hear the noise of the Tartan Army boys,
We'll be coming down the road......
User76 said:
You are probably right, although I couldn't give a toss what the Frenchies were eating. Although Chaban probably snacked on a couple of babies at half time:ohmy: He was certainly crying like one after the whistle:biggrin:


I was working for a French company in 2003 and the only thing I was praying for was England to beat them in the semi's. They took it very well though I couldn't help but mention it a few times.

What they took less well was me walking in on a group of them standing around a coffee machine, "'Ello, ello" says I " Is this a strike or a riot?" They retaliated with weather and food jokes......spoilsports!!
Great result for England, but it does mean I have to put up with a week of bleating whinging from Kiwi colleagues about how England's rugby is boring and they don't deserve to be in the final (only after they've had another go at the referee in their quarter-final).

And if I have the temerity to make any kind of defence, or dare to criticise the holy ones for being a bunch of girly losers, I'll be forever labelled as the "whinging pom".

I do like it here though.
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