Bloke leans out of passenger window and....

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Squat Member
I had a similar experience not long ago. Two youngsters whom must have just passed their moped license caught me up shortly after the TL stop as they got level one screamed "your doing THIRTY mate!" to which I nodded and pointed at my computer.

Did feel good on the flat and was nice summer conditions... much better than the last week of wind and driving rain down that section.


I had been told by my driving instructor some years ago (2004) that car speedo's were intentionally over by around 10% to give room for speeding & encourage people to slow down, this is why you get the '10% allowance' on speed don't, you just think they do because you didn't get caught until you were doing 34mph.
On my commute once I caught up with a learner driver going very slowly. I have no 'live' computer so can't say how slowly, but I'd guess she was just below 20mph, about 18 perhaps. I kept with her for a while in primary, with a queue of traffic behind us, and after spending enough time to be sure she wasn't going to go faster anytime soon, overtook her feeling half smug, and half guilty.

Not much further on down the road, I was stopped at a red when a driver pulled up behind me, and shouted out the window "Thanks mate! After you overtook that silly ***** she pulled over and let the rest of us through - cheers!"

Whilst I don't condone him being so rude about her (hell we all learn sometime) the situation made me grin - a stereotypical 'road ragey' type driver (or so he seemed) thanking a cyclist for keeping the traffic moving... :smile:


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
Two and a half years ago, I got back on a bike and attempted my first five mile commute. I thought I would die from exhaustion on that trip. Nauseous and dizzy, I clung to a street sign on a traffic island. White Transit halts alongside...." Are you OK mate?"

Top man.:thumbsup:

Parrot of Doom

New Member
Car speedos are not allowed to be under. They are allowed to be 10% over, so manufacturers try to aim for the middle. So almost all cars will be over.

I drove a Mitsubishi Galant once, that was absolutely dead-on for accuracy. Crap car though. My TVR was about 10mph out at the top end :smile:


New Member
My CBR900RR-P is definitely over reading.
I have had 180mph indicated before (in an environment where this speed is legal before you all jump on the bandwagon).
The manufacturer's claimed top speed is 167mph. I had not changed the gearing from standard and there may well heve been a few more revs to go but there wasn't enough tarmac to explore further.
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