thank you every one.
even the staff at A&E said the black eye is a good un.... and my GP thinks it will probably work its way down the cheek over the next few days. the good news is that the thumb is not broken (3 miles of walking £5 bus fare for less than 8 miles and all afternoon - now I really know why I cycle into town!) and the pain killers have kicked in so ribs feeling less painful but there is periodically a clicking sound, but no chest infection which for me is the important one being a moderately severe asthmatic.
Downside - now have to have a full blood work up done tomorrow at the Dr's, so have to get up at 5:30am to take my OH to work so I can have the car (possibly less painful than facing the once an hour bus service + 3 mile walk with a bad leg, bad ribs, sore hand...) Opticians were really helpful in town as well, glasses adjusted, nose pieces replaced, all done free of charge. Eye is fine for driving because it is not impacted by the accident, just discoloured. Forehead has started with the yellow & blue so hopefully the worst of the bruising is over...
Looks like the 2 week cycling holiday we leave for on Saturday is still on, just at an easier pace for the first few days

(and possibly not the road bike until my thumb eases a touch more, hoods & gears will be murder). I have passed on my Pilates class tonight!
@ayceejay I will also pass on the raw steak option thanks, would have to go back into town to buy some and once was more than enough

, ... I'm vegan + eggs (or veggie - all dairy depending on how you look at it).