Cycling in Scotland
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- Auld Reekie
allen-uk said:I don't want to get a puncture out there on the road, miles from home, same as most sane cyclists.
But it struck me that in 40 years of driving a variety of cars from bangers up to brand new ones, I've only had 4 roadside punctures in probably 500,000 miles. Occasional slow ones, needing pumping up and driving to tyre shops, but only 4 times have I had proper punctures.
What's so different about bikes? DO they puncture more frequently, or is it just that they're more of a pain in the bum when it does happen?
And apart from the price, is there any other disadvantage to the 'puncture-resistant' tyres now on the market?
Schwalbe Marathons will give you the same sort of p*nct*re resistant as a car tyre, the tread will probably wear out without you ever getting a p*nct*re. However, they are much heavier than other tyres and are difficult to get on and off the rim, but then if you only have to do so once every couple of years (depending on annual mileage), who cares.

If you like speed, then go for something lighter. The big difference between a bike and a motor vehicle it that you are the one doing the work. Any pillock can make a motor vehicle without putting in any effort, which is why there are so many inadequate pillocks driving...