Bike storage at home

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New Member
Hi All -- hope someone can help.

I'm an occasional cyclist, and one of the reasons I'm only "occasional" is that I lock up my bike in a shed at the far end of the garden, and frankly, I frequently can't be bothered going to the trouble of getting it out, especially as it tends to get buried behind other junk.

So -- I'm looking for an alternative storage solution that will encourage me to cycle more. What I would like is some sort of shelter that I can put up around the back of the house, where I could keep my bike under cover, but where it would be far more accessible, and therefore more likely to be used.

I'm not a great DIY man, but I could, if pushed, erect some sort of shelter I guess. But i was wondering if there were any dedicated products on the market that might do the job even better.

Failing that, any other thoughts on how to make the bike more accessible? Thank you for any help, and apologies if this is a rudimentary question.


Well-Known Member
North Devon


Jaffa Cake monster
Manchester, UK
Or just rearrange your junk such that the bike is at the front and easy to get out (and can be removed if you need access to other stuff behind it). My garage is pretty full but still have my 2 bikes nearest the door for me to get to easily - my logic is that I am using these more than I'm using other stuff in there.

Simples! :angry:

:angry: to the forum, btw.
Put the bike in the hallway, so your ex-landlady ruins her clothes every time she walks past. I live on my own now.:tongue:
Seriously, a lean-to of some kind is the order of the day, and not difficult to make. A couple of sheets of corrugated plastic sheeting or a bit of OSB and some roofing felt and you'll be in business. Plus maybe a ground anchor, although when I didn't live on my own I just had the bikes out back under a plastic bike cover chained to some old car wheels.

Edit - I've just clicked the bike cave link, and although it looks OK I don't think it's any better than a plastic bike cover, and you can buy them at Everything's £1.


I just lean mine up against the fence, along with three others, and cover the lot with one of these, clothes-pegging it to a spoke at each end to prevent it blowing off.


Jaffa Cake monster
Manchester, UK
drewla said:
That looks perfect. Thank you.

Sh4rkyBloke -- What you say makes sense, but it doesn't work like that, despite good intentions. Thanks though.
Why not? You say you want to cycle more, so leave your bike as the most accessible thing in the shed. Oethr 'junk' can be moved around/accessed once your bike has been moved out first... works fine at our house. :tongue:


Indeed. My bikes and the child seat live at the front of the shed. To access any other junk (or wife's valued gardening posessions :tongue:), remove bike, remove child seat, access junk. Replace junk, child seat and bike in that order. Simple.

At a previous house, we had a small "wall store" type shed from the local DIY store or builders mechant. Sutiable for both of our bikes, not too pricey (~£80 IIRC but it was years ago) and didn't look as flimsy as the above linked Bike Cave.

Nor did it scream I've got bikes in - like the above does with its bike motif on the front. To the casual observer, our wall store might have contained not-so-saleable/nickable watering cans and compost etc.. - in fact I think it might well have had those as well as the bikes, i forget...


New Member
Thanks for all the helpful responses. We already have two sheds. Just take it from me, a shed in our case is not the answer. Too much familial indiscipline... also, we have a big back garden, and the shed in question is a long walk. Believe me, I need something right outside the back door and easily accessible.

I take on board what some sceptics have said, but have decided to invest in a bike cave thing. It will be hidden round the back, and I can attach a bracket to the wall of the house to chain the bikes to.


Senior hunter
Welcome to the forum.

Now (lecture alert), first you have to elevate your bicycle's status above that of a common garden tool. That's number one. How could you allow a proud velo to be buried by lowly gardening implements? Shame!

In order to become a dedicated cyclist, first you must start to respect your bicycle.

Bring your bicycle inside a warm domicile, where it belongs and where it can be cared for in the manner befitting a friend who gives endless enjoyment, health and adventure.

I live in a small townhouse, that has neither garage nor much storage space.

My bikes reside: 1 in living room, 1 in hall, 1 in laundry room, 1 in office, 1 in guest room, 3 in walk-in closet.

No, my wife puts up with it/me. :tongue:


My bikes stay in the "Guinea Pig" room. It's really the dining room, but I never use it as such. Got my dad to tile the floor & paint the walls so it's ideal - any dirty tyre tracks can get easily mopped up, and I can sleep safe in the knowledge that Sion & Stanley-Norman are keeping an eye on my prized possesions!


Somerset UK
Security needs to be good.

I've had a bike nicked from a shed and another from a garage.

If you have a set up like the one in the Amazon picture you might need to have a mounting for locking the bike to the house wall.

(Although the thief who pinched mine from its shed would probably just take the wall as well. I don't know how they lifted 75kilos of concrete with an iron bar fixed to it, plus the bike locked to it - not much left of the shed side though.)
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