Hi Leeboy.
The bike was gauranted for three months to be used without any major problems arising within that period which seems to be the case ,so I personally don't think the seller has anything to answer for. Brakes and tyres will wear out and are something that have to be replaced as part of the ongoing regime of maintenance. The back wheel failing is just unfortunately one of those things in life that can happen either sooner or later. As you bought second hand you have to adopt an open mind that things may go wrong with your bike more frequently as apposed to a new one
, but all is not lost.
A chain from Wilkos, cost £3.30 as brake blocks from there cost a couple £2s.
I bought a second hand, 36 year old road bike just last year off
eBay and have covered well over 2000 miles on it. On appearance it was mechanically perfect but after cycling a good few months on it I've encountered a few problems but my enthusiasm to cycling has driven me replace the worn out parts and enjoy learning how to repair my bike my self when the weather is to bad to cycle. Bottom bracket , Deuraiiler , chain , and wheels have been replaced as the old stock was showing signs of wear.. I could of just thrown the bike over the hedge and bought a new one but I enjoy the challenge of fixing and learning how a bike works and getting to grips with the different options of upgrades I can add to it. Parts can be obtained on a shoe string budget if money is tight, and if you spend a little money on your bike and maintain it, it will give you many years of use and enjoyment. A bike is like any other mechanical object and will at some point need parts replacing. If left neglected by you or the previous owner ( which is out of your control ) they will wear out soon than later..
Try and embrace they mechanical challenges of repairing your bike as well as the riding ,as this is what makes great cycling.
All the very best.