Bike insurance

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depends on the value of your bike, can you add it to your home insurance?

otherwise from my investigations everyone I looked to (including BritishCycling) ends up ate the same company - all with slightly tweaked branded websites but all the same


Well-Known Member
If you have home contents insurance then most companies will include a bike up to the value of £500. Above that then you have to name it as a specified item. If you do, remember to add all your accessories on to the value as well. May be worth checking.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Home contents or an 'add on to your home contents if you've got a very expensive bike.

M&S and Co-operative insurance are recommended. Co-op for me.


Legendary Member
NE England
Yes, house insurance in the first instance and if it's over their limit you can expect to pay in excess of 10% of the new value as the premium to a specialist insurer. There will also be limits to what percentage you get back if the bike is over 3 or 4 years old. I gave up and have no cover other than the CTC 3rd party cover. But there again my cheapest trike would run me close to £2000 to replace and the others are worth over £3000 each. Paying £800+/year to insure them all seems way too expensive and in the 3 years since I haven't been covered I've saved £2400, if I get through another year without loss I'm quids in. I only paid 8% of the value to cover my 3 year old car last time round, insuring the trikes would cost me a shed load more than both my and my wife's car insurance each year.


New Member
Depends on the value and usage of the bike, worth looking at your house insurance or a specialist provider like protect your bubble.


Senior Member
London UK
Cheers for the replies guys.
I haven't bought the bike yet, Boardman performance pro it cost a grand.
Wouldn't household contents just cover you for theft from your house?

mark st1

Plastic Manc
Leafy Berkshire
Our policy renewel came the other day never really paid any attention to it tbh ! However ive never owned anything expensive or worth nicking. We have contents insurance and im sure it stipulated any item stolen would only be covered up to a limit of £2000 unless specified of a higher value. Does this sound normal or have i got it wrong ive just read the avg on here seems to be £500.


Legendary Member
On home insurance, you can also insure contents away from home :smile: May need to name a costly bike separately and check whether there are T&Cs regarding specific locks. Don't forget there'll be an excess, so you'll get the replacement value (bike and accessories) less the excess. I have to name bikes over £500, check the details on your specific policy with the insurer...they do like to try to wriggle out of paying so don't give them any excuses ;)


Bexley, Kent
Mine are covered by M&S home insurance, both for theft from the premises (in my case a shed - provided it's locked to an immovable object) and away from home. I recall they had to be listed as separate items on the policy if over £4,000. Other than that, seems very straightforward. Not had to claim during my time with them, which if course would be the real test. I'd recommend giving them a call
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