- Location
- South Liverpool
I'm sitting firmly on the fence - unless Health & Safety legislation prohibits that too 

after having rode a few "Bike Events" charity rides this year and looking forward to 2013's callander I've noticed that they now have a compulsary helmet wearing policy. I'm dissapointed as helmets are not compulsary in uk. I can only think that they have shot themselves in the foot as i will be riding the route helmetless but because of their policy I cannot pay to participate. oh dear! any thoughts?
It's the creeping compulsion that concerns people, and with compulsion there could be many losers.Wear a helmet for the event, the organisers, the charities, the sponsors AND you, all win.
FTFYWear a helmet for the event, the organisersthe charities, the sponsors AND you, allwin.
It's the creeping compulsion that concerns people, and with compulsion there could be many losers.
I think you are taking a rather simplistic view there. If helmet wearing becomes compulsory, fewer people will cycle. This is what has happened elsewhere, why do you think the UK could be different?I understand, but I tend not to worry about things that have not happened, and may not happen. If helmet wearing becomes compulsory in law, nothing will happen other than more people will wear helmets, no big deal. It may vex a few people for a while, but it wont stop them riding with or without a helmet.
My point is if you are not wearing a helmet, just because of some point of principle, because someone says you can't join our event unless you do, then don't join the event. The world will not tilt off its axis becuase of your principle, one way or the other.
I think you are taking a rather simplistic view there. If helmet wearing becomes compulsory, fewer people will cycle. This is what has happened elsewhere, why do you think the UK could be different?
I think you are taking a rather simplistic view there. If helmet wearing becomes compulsory, fewer people will cycle. This is what has happened elsewhere, why do you think the UK could be different?
The emphasis on helmet wearing merely clouds the issue wasting time and effort that could be spent on measures which have been proven to be much more effective in improving the safety of cyclists.
I agree with not joining the event, but suggest it is better to tell the charity/organisers why you are not joining.
Regarding tilting the world off its axis, I have difficulty understanding those who can simply lie down and accept meekly what others would prescribe for them.
Some statistics suggest that 25% of car accident fatalities are due to head injuries, but no one from the pro compulsory bike helmet lobby show any concern about car drivers not wearing helmets.
Some statistics suggest that 25% of car accident fatalities are due to head injuries, but no one from the pro compulsory bike helmet lobby show any concern about car drivers not wearing helmets.
Because the risk/hazard/probabilities are very different.
Over the past 40 years I have driven may 100's of thousands of miles and never had an accident remotely needing head protection. In fact only two minor bumps in that whole period. Over the last 15 years I've cycled 10's of thousands of miles and had several falls where my head has been at risk, with one resulting in smashed helmet and night under obs In hospital with concussion. The same goes for most people I know who cycle.
No they're not.Because the risk/hazard/probabilities are very different.
As an on road utility, leisure and touring cyclist it doesn't go for me, or anyone I know.The same goes for most people I know who cycle.