I've bought a Virb basic - with the bike mount & extra battery for +£12. The mini-B USB cable was faulty out of the box, but fortunately my Etrex mini-B cables work fine - Garmin are sending a new mini B lead. The Virb came with 2.6 firmware - so I updated immediately to 4, using Garmin Express. 32Gb Class10 mSD in.
Mostly interested in the time-lapse. So far I've mounted the unit on the handlebars, and done a couple of 10 mile time lapse vids on the commmute. Impressed, quality is very good - bumpy roads in deep shadow (low light) possibly more prone to some blur, but not a huge issue. 30-40mins of 1080p, 0.5s capture doesn't make much dent on the battery life, and having the spare battery and ability to time lapse record with USB battery pack attached (in the dry) is good. I've tried both wide and Ultra-zoom settings, both seem good. Using Virb edit I overlaid my Etrex captured gpx onto the timelapse video with the simple manual alignment feature, and it's spot on. I like the speed/altitude/compass heading, and route progress indicators.
So far so good. Going to try time lapsing the whole of Sunday's 100km..