Well this is where I am so far. Had a few issues, headset stack height is far too high - I only realised this after I fitted it all

. So I will find a more generic one - shame as it cost me £25!
Chain line is spot on as you can see in the photos and I am pleased with the FSA bb and crankset.
I chipped the paint in a couple of places which I'm not too pleased about. Hopefully I have recovered it, I used a rattle can to touch it up. I will use some rubbing compound and car polish later to bring the shine back. This is my first build so mistakes happen, straight after this build I have another nicer frame that has been painted the same colour; I will build it with some nicer bits and the build should go smoother!
Once I have the paint and headset sorted the only other issue is that the rear wheel axle is not long enough. It has a sealed bearing hub and solid axle - how would I remove this and exchange for a longer one?
Now for some photos....