Bicycling in the heat, heat management tips that work

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Living Legend & Old Fart
Ice slurries can temporarily lower a person's core temperature and increase stay time in heat stress environment., That is wrong, in fact the complete opposite is true. Think of the body like a car engine. In the cold the enginge regulates its core temperature by shutting off flow to the radiatoras the temperature increases the flow through the radiator increases to cool it down. In the body, blood vessels in the skin act as our radiator contracting and expanding as temperature dictates. In cool coditions less blood flows through our radiator to preserve our core temperature.
OK, so you have been cycling, you stop and have a cold drink or ice cream to cool yourself down but what is really happeneing? The body reacts the same as you do in the evening - it is getting cooler so you shut the windows and doors so the body limits circulation to the skin preserving core temperature. Why do you think we Britisn drank tea in India and not iced beer?
The OP mentions keeping clothes wet - I will need a water bowser behind me and a continual shower. I can be completey soaked and a few minutes later I am bone dry (self+clothing)
he also writes about electrolyte balance. Try using Oral Rehydration Salts - normally sold in small sachets for diarrhoes suffers or (ypu will have to pre prepare this) alarge bottle of lemonade/7-up/Sprite, take the cap off and allow to go completely flat then add a teaspoon of salt. Do not add salt to active lemonade, you will be wiping it off the ceiling!
Do not cycle for more than one hour at atime, rest frequently and take plenty of fluids. Bananas are good for you by replacing lost potassiom.


Über Member
Malaga, Spain
It depends on how extreme the heat is, but for most of us (and this includes people from the UK going on cycling trips to the Canaries, Mallorca, etc) just using hydration tablets and taking it a bit easier than usual will do the trick. If you're starting to get overheated, find a nice, shady place to rest for a while and have something to drink - a bar is always a good option.
I question how wise it is to cycle for any amount of time at all in real heat.
Thoughts of mad dogs and Englishmen.

I've been in Sardinia in the middle of the summer, but restricted real cycling to the ends of the day - I did go out in the noonday sun once because I was only making a half hour trip to go and sit under some trees, but even in half an hour rather odd things started to happen* - I wouldn't have wanted to be out any longer.

Maybe best to follow the natives - I know a few southern Italians and they are very careful of the sun.

* kind of goose bumps on my skin - seemed odd - I'm no doc but could tjhis have been my body attempting to cool itself by increasing surface area? Or could have been impending collapse I suppose.
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