Bicycle helmet pads

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World class procrastinator
I change my helmet every couple of years, as I used to with my horse riding helmet and my motorbike helmet. If you have had your lids for 5 years, they probably need replacing by now rather than just change the pads.

Anyway, after a couple of years I get bored of the colour of a lid so change it. I'm going to buy one to clash beautifully with the bike this time.
Safety equipment is safety equipment and the profit motive is the profit motive!^_^

The difference being that using safety equipment beyond an expiry date is an offence.......Under the 1974 Health and Safety in the Workplace Act, your employer has a legal duty to provide you with the necessary safety equipment to carry out your work. This has to be equipment that conforms to industry standard and within date.

The employee has an equal responsibility in checkig that it is in date and esnuring replacement.

Making a profit isn't an offence
I've made replacement pads for my helmet out of sheets of chiropody foam (the pink stuff, not the white felt stuff) using the old pads as a template. The padding is sticky on one side. It doesn't stick on particularly firmly but it does an ok job and doesn't cost anything like the manufacturers replacements.


Legendary Member
The longest recommendation I've come across is Spesh, who advise 5 years from the Born On date.

I just picked up a new Cannondale road lid for £14, reduced from £45. It's so cheap its barely worth the effort of sourcing pads.


Maastricht, NL
I just picked up a new Cannondale road lid for £14, reduced from £45. It's so cheap its barely worth the effort of sourcing pads.

I have to agree we'll be getting new helmets. They are really cheap and we don't want to spend any more time trying to find replacement pads.

Thanks to all, George and Monique from


Maastricht, NL
We didn't get new helmets as we said we would for our latest ride to Berlin. We just got a roll of door/window insulation foam (the thickest we could find 6mm) and just glued strips of it to the helmets. Worked perfect and only cost just over €1 :smile:
We will get new helmets in the future, but when in a pinch the insulation foam worked out great.
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