The clear plastic gizmo is now toast...I cut it off with some garden pruner thingys.[/quote]
Whats that bit actually for ? does it have any real purpose ? I spose not if you cut it off. I have one on my new specialized and it looks
Love the fact that you have gone "whole hog" with the colour scheme. I feel getting your hair done in the same shade would set the whole thing off........
Whats that bit actually for ? does it have any real purpose ? I spose not if you cut it off. I have one on my new specialized and it looks xx(
Love the fact that you have gone "whole hog" with the colour scheme. I feel getting your hair done in the same shade would set the whole thing off........:?:[/QUOTE]
It's to stop the spokes getting borked, or the chain jammed, if the chain unships inwards.
Very nice BTFB. Almost makes me want to get a Road Bike. Maybe when I am gainfully employed I will get one :-(
Until then I'll just drool and think about cheep upgrades to my Apollo Kaos (at some point to be renamed an AFS Chimera after a respray, and several other as yet undisclosed mods :-) )
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