Beverley to Hornsea TPT Gateway

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Grimpeur des terrains plats
@PaulSB when you get to Beverley and come out of the Train station, turn left and go over the railway lines, first left onto Grove hill Road, follow this for a mile or so, until you come to the Roundabout of many traffic lights' go straight accross (second turn) onto Grovehill Road part 2, follow this for half a mile or so.
Turn left and Go over the Bridge over the River Hull (the other way is a dead end to the wonderfully named 'Weel') but anyway head to Tickton on the mainly Single carriage road to Tickton (with the river Hull on the bank to your left) when you come to your first Junction turn right and through the village of Tickton, just before you get to the end of the village you'll see the signs that direct you to the cycle paths to Leven...


@craigwend - thank you.


@craigwend - sadly not. Everything was planned and booked and then 10 days before we were due to go I was hit by a tractor driver. My bike was written off and I had five days in hospital. I'm recovering but it will be some time before I can ride again, and that's assuming I am able to ride again. There's a question mark on that at the moment but I think I'll be OK, just a question of when.


Grimpeur des terrains plats
@craigwend - sadly not. Everything was planned and booked and then 10 days before we were due to go I was hit by a tractor driver. My bike was written off and I had five days in hospital. I'm recovering but it will be some time before I can ride again, and that's assuming I am able to ride again. There's a question mark on that at the moment but I think I'll be OK, just a question of when.

Wow, so sorry to hear. Can't imagine what you've been through. Glad you are able to focus on your recovery at what ever level and at your pace .


Legendary Member
@craigwend - sadly not. Everything was planned and booked and then 10 days before we were due to go I was hit by a tractor driver. My bike was written off and I had five days in hospital. I'm recovering but it will be some time before I can ride again, and that's assuming I am able to ride again. There's a question mark on that at the moment but I think I'll be OK, just a question of when.

That sounds serious. I hope you can recover and get back on the bike.


Legendary Member
PS When I had a serious cycling accident a couple of years I focused on what I could do not what I couldn't during my long recovery and that really helped me. I hope you find a way through that works for you.


PS When I had a serious cycling accident a couple of years I focused on what I could do not what I couldn't during my long recovery and that really helped me. I hope you find a way through that works for you.
Thank you. This is very good advice which I haven't heard before. As people have expressed concern, thank you all, this is what happened.
I was riding to meet friends and was about two miles from home on a stretch of road I've probably ridden, conservatively, 800+ times.

It's fast, a slight descent and I would have been riding at 30+ and accelerating. I heard a tractor behind, he began to overtake on the end of a chevroned area. As he went by I cursed and thought "that's close." I saw the rear wheel next to my right shoulder.

My next recollection is a young man holding my head, looking into my face saying "It's OK, I'm an off-dury police officer. I want you to keep completely still." I did as I was told.

A witness says the trailer or implement mounted on the tractor was wider than the tractor itself. This is what hit me. I'm told I was thrown left. The bike went under a wheel.

Five broken ribs, broken eye socket, three broken fingers, impact damage to knee, soft tissue damage to arm and shoulder, and some of the finest gravel rash you've seen!

I'm alive, healing and beginning to get myself together again. I will ride a bike again and I very much hope that includes the TPT in 2025.

I've solicitors and two insurance companies chasing the driver and the police are prosecuting. The driver claims it wasn't his fault. I suspect he completely underestimated my speed.

As a friend said "Paul, you always do things with style!" 🤣

I am OK but, yes, it has been a bit crap.


Legendary Member
Five broken ribs, broken eye socket, three broken fingers, impact damage to knee, soft tissue damage to arm and shoulder, and some of the finest gravel rash you've seen!

I see lots of physio in your future. Do the exercises and trust the process. Some of your injuries will heal pretty quickly, some will see steady progress, others may feel like they've stalled then suddenly improve or not. The body is a strange and wonderful thing.

Here's to you being back on the TPT in 2025. By coincidence the section from Selby to Hull was my first sort of tour post accident.


I see lots of physio in your future. Do the exercises and trust the process. Some of your injuries will heal pretty quickly, some will see steady progress, others may feel like they've stalled then suddenly improve or not. The body is a strange and wonderful thing.

Here's to you being back on the TPT in 2025. By coincidence the section from Selby to Hull was my first sort of tour post accident.

Thank you.
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