Payet Kensit's nipples.
A local of Hulme Manchester getting carted away in their dressing gown by rather a lot of police. Forensics there now.
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I thought the video that PaulB posted was inspiring, and it reminded me to get stuck in on my guitar - I have 2 working hands and therefore 0 excuses not to play.
The best thing I have seen (so far) today was a rainbow. Not just any old rainbow though - it was the most local rainbow that I have ever seen! I was walking down a backstreet in Todmorden and looked up. I saw a rainbow coming down to ground between me and a hillside 300 metres away - literally just round the corner. I thought I might actually spot 'the crock of gold' so I ran to the end of the road but the rainbow faded away before I could get my phone out and take a picture of it. Still, it was an impressive sight!
I've always wanted to play an instrument so I've had a bash at several of them but this is my favourite...not my favourite song, it just sounded alright when I played it.
Well spotted, Colin. I really like the acoustics in there and unlike other rooms, the sound from the uke doesn't drown out my voice. The benefit of the 8-stringer is that you don't have to decide if you're going for a high\low G, you can have both. You can do this on the C string as well so effectively it's a six-string mini guitar!Ignorant people might suggest that you had been banished to the bathroom for musical performances, but I realise that actually you chose that room for its superior acoustics!
The 8-string ukulele sounds a lot nicer then 4-stringers.
PS I was just searching for info on ukuleles and found THIS uke forum - somewhere else for uke players to fritter away the hours on t'interweb?(I found a PaulB on there, but he is American!)