I have just replaced my commuting Gatorskins - started getting plenty of not pumped situations in the rear one. 7000km before this started happening. Obviously the odd flat from lumps of glass or flint chipping etc from time to time.
700 x 25c on this bike and I have Pro Race 2 on my other. Chugging along in traffic there is no noticeable difference and I have just bought another 4 from
Ribble, who were selling them for 12 squid at the weekend!

Anyway, after changing from the used Gatorskin to the new, I noticed a big difference in 'rolling' - if that is the right word, and although the others cut up a bit, I will be sticking with them in preference to Specialized for example, which skid a bit.
Also, the G/Skins can be run with a bit less pressure if necessary - if the conditions warrant, and the 25s seemed comfortable enough. No problem to speed up either... and I'm 106kg (about

Normally at 'max' pressure though, but the commute is getting cleaner thanks to a lot of road resurfacing in town.