1.5 metre in 30mph or less. Dual carriageways are at least 40mph, and the guidance is 2 metres in higher speed limit zones.
Not that I drive vrry much at all now, but Id go compleyely into lane 2, exaclty as I would were i overtaking anything else. Other advantages then include you being more visible and having a better field of view and arcs of vision.
Dont wait until youre about to go oast before pulling out. It feels very unnatural, but pull across well ahead - this opens up your visibility, gives room to reach an appropriate speed and offers the space and opportunity to safely abort and move back to the left if required. And don't attempt to overtake u tul you are in a position to complete the maneuver in one hit.
Ill stick to my Class 1 training, and not some nodule from Pooptube land.
It seems that most cars reach max clearance some distance ahead of me. They pull out too late and still pulling out as they pass.