The mad Welshman
New Member
Hi all. I have gone through the forum and cannot find a reply close enough to the problem I have.
I shall be riding Hatfield, Herts, to Hatfield, Yorks, to Hatfield Herefordshire and back to Hatfield Herts later this year. You might guess that my charity is in Hatfield Herts...
My triathlon bike (a 2nd hand Te Quilo Quintana Roo) does not have the gear range (nothing to do with my fitness of course..) nor would I want to cannibalise it with panniers etc. My Claud Butler mountain bike is way too heavy and not high enough geared.
So, I thought a light weight, 24/27 geared hybrid (with suspension both ends for my poor old bones) would be the best choice - and there is the rub: choice.
There seem SO many options that I have not got a clue what would be best. Money/cost is an issue so I do not want to spend a fortune (which for me is anything over £300-400 for the bike as I do need to buy the accessories)
I would REALLY welcome any of your suggestions as to what would be the best compromise - and, re my wrists, do I need to not go for straight bars, given the distances I shall be cycling?
Many thanks
The mad Welshman
I shall be riding Hatfield, Herts, to Hatfield, Yorks, to Hatfield Herefordshire and back to Hatfield Herts later this year. You might guess that my charity is in Hatfield Herts...
My triathlon bike (a 2nd hand Te Quilo Quintana Roo) does not have the gear range (nothing to do with my fitness of course..) nor would I want to cannibalise it with panniers etc. My Claud Butler mountain bike is way too heavy and not high enough geared.
So, I thought a light weight, 24/27 geared hybrid (with suspension both ends for my poor old bones) would be the best choice - and there is the rub: choice.
There seem SO many options that I have not got a clue what would be best. Money/cost is an issue so I do not want to spend a fortune (which for me is anything over £300-400 for the bike as I do need to buy the accessories)
I would REALLY welcome any of your suggestions as to what would be the best compromise - and, re my wrists, do I need to not go for straight bars, given the distances I shall be cycling?
Many thanks
The mad Welshman