Best Cycle Tracking Apps on iPhone 4s?

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I use Endomondo. You can export your files and upload them to Strava using their websites. Not sure if you can export from Strava to Endomondo, so might be worth investigating before you plump for Strava.

Strava user here, it is kind of addictive, quite how long that'll last I don't know ... Already have several segments with identical PB times on them ;-)

You can export gpx from Strav, under an activity, Actions->Export GPX


North Yorkshire
So what exact equipment do you need for all this? I'm kinda intrigued by the heart rate / cadence thing but as nothing more than a (hopefully not temporary) obsessive recreational rider I don't think I could justify the cost if it's loads!

I've got the following:

NC-17 Wahoo ANT+ Sensor 2012

NC-17 Wahoo iPhone Case or NC-17 Wahoo iPhone Dongle

Wahoo Heart Rate Monitor

You'll be amazed how inaccurate the info is without the sensors fitted.


Well-Known Member
Recently downloaded Strava and I'm loving it, I got a medal the other day without even knowing whichsection of my ride it was for, however, I know now and I like the motivation it's given me to improve on my time there.


Well-Known Member
Just discovered this thread, after I discovered Strava a few weeks ago, and uploaded a bunch of last years .gpx files to it. Imagine my surprise when it said I was recording the 3rd best time on one segment, and earned myself a medal with a "3" badge. Especially since I pedal at a very modest pace just enjoying the scenery. I was even more surprised when I clicked on the ride that I was "3rd best" in to find I was position 128 out of 130. Bizarre.


Well-Known Member
It's was alerting you to YOUR thrid best time if you post a best time its a different medal. Enjoy the challenge getting up the ranks!!

Oh, it gets better. I got a cup with a "6" on it for another segment. That’s 6th out of 6 riders …
Thanks for explaining what it all means. :banghead: Climbing up the ranks probably isnt my kind of cycling, though.

Phoenix Lincs

Über Member
Sleaford, Lincs
Been using MapMyRide since I dusted off my bike in May but just downloaded strava to see if its better. Not expecting I can export my info from MapMyRide to Strava but if anybody can tell me I can it'd be awesome


Über Member
Burnley lancs
I also use cyclemeter just got the free app and don't bother with the heart rate and cadence. As long as I know ride time, average speed and distance that's good for me. I mainly go on canal towpaths so ascent and descent are not that relevant and it also shows calories burnt etc. I find it great for a free app and if u are interested in competing with others u can upload your rides to strava. Most of all enjoy your riding.

Phoenix Lincs

Über Member
Sleaford, Lincs
Tried Strava this morning. The distance and time seems fine but I much prefer the calories burned figure in Map My Ride!
308 calories in 1:06:43 over 13.7 miles seems a little stindgy to me. I want my roast potatoes AND Yorkshire pud :-)
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