All youve heard me comment on is the content and validity of studies and papers that have been quoted by one side or the other.
Most have been by people who believe helmets offer no benefits.
As I have allready said this is undertsandable as there is little data to support the otherside of the arguement. This is due to incidents where helmets may or were of benefit not being reported, and why would they. These individuals are just thankfull the helmet may have done its job. They also dont seem to have an axe to grind.
Other than a throwaway line about tax benefits to myself. (joke) you have not heard anything about compulsion or the benefits a helmet may or may not give.
But I will tell you one thing. Id take personal experience I have had or others i trust over academic studies any day of the week.
Most have been by people who believe helmets offer no benefits.
As I have allready said this is undertsandable as there is little data to support the otherside of the arguement. This is due to incidents where helmets may or were of benefit not being reported, and why would they. These individuals are just thankfull the helmet may have done its job. They also dont seem to have an axe to grind.
Other than a throwaway line about tax benefits to myself. (joke) you have not heard anything about compulsion or the benefits a helmet may or may not give.
But I will tell you one thing. Id take personal experience I have had or others i trust over academic studies any day of the week.