Beltran tests postive

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Über Member
Heras that was the other one that I couldn't remember.

GF it is never ever going to be admitted to although a lot more people have doubts about him now. It is why Astana smell.
mondobongo said:
Heras that was the other one that I couldn't remember.

GF it is never ever going to be admitted to although a lot more people have doubts about him now. It is why Astana smell.
Weren't Astana formed out of the wreckage of Liberty Seguros after they were stopped from taking part in the 2006 Tour because too many of them were implicated in Puerto? Oh, and leaving poor Alex Vinokourov stranded and unable to compete....:sad:
Astana smell on many levels...


Über Member
Yes they smelt but then lo and behold they have a new Manager and half of Disco sign up for them and they stink too high heaven.


FFS!!! xx(:ohmy:

And Liquigas management have a ****ing cheek - that would be the same management who have signed Basso...


back and brave
Is it possible the team didn't know??

Possible perhaps.... but stretching the bounds of credibility?

I just find utterly astounding that any team would knowingly employ a doper in the current climate.


yello said:
Is it possible the team didn't know??

Possible perhaps.... but stretching the bounds of credibility?

I just find utterly astounding that any team would knowingly employ a doper in the current climate.

I have maintained for years (and years) that teams and doctors are more to blame than riders. There are clean riders out there I am sure of it, and I think there are a number of previously doped riders who are now riding clean. It is not "new" it has existed "forever"...but it still pisses me off. xx(:ohmy:!

It is a hard sport, and I am all for protecting/trying to protect the health of riders. I think there should be some degree of medical supervision and that medication/supplements/drugs should be introduced to replace "lost" reserves to balance to a "natural" level...but I acknowledge this is difficult. I know my body is all to pieces after a long ride and it takes days, sometimes weeks, to recover. For Pro riders it will be much after day, fast speeds, money at stake, sponsors, livelihood, always someone else willing to take a chance, new riders coming through, etc...

I don't know the answer. There has to be a way; medical science is not something I know much about. But it appears it is a lucrative business in most sports.


Über Member
Don't think this will be the only one. As mentioned they targeted Beltran after pre Tour test anomalies there were a total of 10 riders with abnormal levels recorded. If they are targeting all 10 then another rider may yet be caught out.


mondobongo said:
Don't think this will be the only one. As mentioned they targeted Beltran after pre Tour test anomalies there were a total of 10 riders with abnormal levels recorded. If they are targeting all 10 then another rider may yet be caught out.

I thought it was 10-20 with "abnormalities"

I can see this all going tits up again. xx(


Über Member
Cycling News reported 10.

This is going to be the passports biting arse if the UCI had played ball with ASO they could be comparing blood samples to the values in the passports but as it is handbags at 10 paces the passports languish in a lab somewhere. What a waste of time money and effort as the sport once again goes under the microscope.

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
I'm really suprised about this as I thought firstly, no team would allow this to happen in the present climate (although it's possible the team didn't know) and also I thought ASO would keep it under their hats if something was found. Wrong on two counts.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<This is going to be the passports biting arse if the UCI had played ball with ASO they could be comparing blood samples>

Without getting into who is right and wrong in the UCI - ASO debacle, I think in this case it was ASO who dumped the UCI not the other way around!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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