What are the real differences between the likes of Line6, Marshall, and Fender?
Ok..BIG question.
Basically you have two types of amp. Valve driven and transistor . Valve driven amps are the more traditional and sound way better. Transistor amps have a place, they can give cleaner sounds...but IMHO I HATE them.
So...Valves are where it's at. BUT in order to get avalve amp sounding great it's mostly necessary to crank the thing up to ear splitting volume and drive the tubes(valves) so they get really HOT...thats what gives the didtinctive overdriven tone a lot of guitarist like. BUT it comes at a cost...your family will leave you and your neighbours will call the police every day you plug into a valve amp.
So...where is this going...well...what guitarists really wanted was to kill the neighbours and crank up the amps...but that being impossible they invented AMP modelling or simulation instead. Basically technology over th elast 10 -15 years has allowed the likes of Line 6 to produce a gizmo (called a POD) which does a good job of emulating a driven tube tone/valve amp ..at headphone level. I used one a lot on my recordings, just plugged the guitar in and recorded the POD without needing a mic or a loud amp or anything. It's a family saver.
HOWEVER....it is not really as good as a driven tube amp...NOTHING beats a MARSHALL amp with HOT tubes...NOTHING. So if you are serious about getting a tone and you have a lot of cash and a big soundproof room then a Valve or tube amp is what you want.
Thats a simplified view...there all kinds of other stuff out there as well...like the dreaded 'Valvestate' ranges etc...
I like the P|OD though it's a cool comprimise and perfect for 90% of bedroom guitarists.
Line six make amps as well...basically all theya re is a Line six pod (amp simulation) used as the pre amp.
A pod is pretty much hassle free...do huge speaker cabs to lug around etc...but it's still not quite got the true tube tone we all seek...or should be seeking
Those pOds and the like also allow you to emulate hundreds of different tube amps in a single box...which is cool. But like I said a 100% all tube amp rig is where its at...keep transistors where they belong...somewhere else.