Beginners 2013 goals

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Über Member
In another thread I put my goals as

1 - complete 100km, I've since signed up to the wiggle ferry sportive on the IOW in July which is 95 miles so hopefully squeeze in the extra 5 miles somewhere to hit the 100 miles, I aim to get the 100km done by May.
2 - try a club run
3 - go clipless - first clipless ride was Sunday

For some reason I read that as 100k 2 or 3 times and thought you must be bonkers, 4th time I realised 100km in one go. Sheesh, goin senile. :rolleyes:


Active Member
buy the roadie now :smile: itll motivate you to get out more and youll loose weight faster. there are also some amazing deals around this time of year

I concur with this.
I borrowed a hybrid last year and started riding to lose a bit of weight, I was doing about 10 miles around town in about an hour.

A couple of weeks ago I bought a road bike and have been able to ride for well over an hour, and the last time out I easily did 15 miles. Because the road bike is easier to ride, you can get out into the countryside where there is less traffic and road junctions, which makes the ride much more pleasurable.


Active Member
I have had such a good time riding my bike over the first year and am a bit lax compared to many of you with any type of goals.

All I want is another good year out and about (this year trying new routes from to O.S. Maps I got for Christmas). Another stone shifted would be nice.

If finances go well, a turbo trainer and a road bike.


Senior Member
I am going to have to revisit my goals I think. I was aiming for 2500 miles in the year but I've already done 1000.

I've also nearly lost the weight I wanted to.

So still being cautious, I'm going to aim for 4500 miles for 2013 and I am going to sign up for a 100 mile sportive as well.


Senior Member
I have no idea what's realistic for me in terms of how far I'd like to cycle. Once I've got used to this cycling malarkey I might update that.
I'd definitely like to lose a couple of stone. I was at my ideal weight last year when I was doing lots of running but it was really killing my knee and I detested it so gave up and put on loads of weight. 3 stone would be nice but maybe over a couple of years rather than just 1. A body like Victoria Pendleton would be perfect!! :biggrin:
I'd like to get better at hills. Nearly to hop off and walk today but just managed to grind it out. Generally improving speed and endurance. Seeing that I only started this week I am starting from nothing though.
I have no idea what's realistic for me in terms of how far I'd like to cycle. Once I've got used to this cycling malarkey I might update that.
I'd definitely like to lose a couple of stone. I was at my ideal weight last year when I was doing lots of running but it was really killing my knee and I detested it so gave up and put on loads of weight. 3 stone would be nice but maybe over a couple of years rather than just 1. A body like Victoria Pendleton would be perfect!! :biggrin:
I'd like to get better at hills. Nearly to hop off and walk today but just managed to grind it out. Generally improving speed and endurance. Seeing that I only started this week I am starting from nothing though.
It will come just keep at it.
My first ride I managed 8.5 miles @ 9.32mph, these days even the wind like today doesn't bother me much. Even managed 3 pb's.


68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
I have always set myself little goals all through my life - career, finances, mountains climbed; stuff like that. Spurs me on.

I have set myself a modest 1000 mile goal for my first full year of cycling. Not very hard by many members standards but it fits with the rest of my life.

Whilst I am loving my cycling more and more it is not the "big exercise thing" in my life - my hiking and climbing is that.

I do this just to help in the continuing effort to maintain some overall level of fitness as I prepare to enter my allegedly Golden Years!

I guess what I am saying is that it is good to set targets but that they have to fit into the context of the rest of your life.

I am in awe of some of the 5 figure annual mileages racked up by some people and without knocking them I just could not live my life that driven or obsessed depending on your viewpoint.


Legendary Member
Aiming for 4,000 miles, which hopefully will be covered by commuting.

Lose some weight, need to lose a couple of stone.

Buy a road bike, only doing this when I have lost the weight.

I'm over half way on the mileage, lost just over a stone so far and bought the road bike.

I have added a new goal which is to do 1000 miles in a month - may get that this week, depends on the weather.
As you can see I have set myself a target of 3000km, you will also see that I am way behind target:sad:. Due to the fact that the weather has been so bad for 3 months, I have decided to reset my targets and just get out more. Mind you I think I've become a fair weather cyclist;)


Active Member
I was at my ideal weight last year when I was doing lots of running but it was really killing my knee and I detested it so gave up and put on loads of weight. 3 stone would be nice but maybe over a couple of years rather than just 1.
You and me also. This is why I switched to cycling! ^_^


Senior Member
You and me also. This is why I switched to cycling! ^_^
I managed to really do some damage when I was skiing in January (haven't had it checked but its still giving me trouble if i have to fully extend it or get up from being fully crouched down) so had a good excuse to say enough is enough and get on the bike instead which so far hasn't made it any worse. :smile:


Time you enjoyed wasting was not wasted
As you can see I have set myself a target of 3000km, you will also see that I am way behind target:sad:. Due to the fact that the weather has been so bad for 3 months, I have decided to reset my targets and just get out more. Mind you I think I've become a fair weather cyclist;)
I used to go out in all weathers, except the most extreme conditions, but my mate persuaded me to join a gym and I became a fair weather I want to get back to being a hardy type and I've left the gym, good luck.


Well-Known Member
only got my road bike mid Jan and didnt really set myself any targets this year as in distance or to be able to do average X mph over X miles i just want to get out and enjoy this year, with the odd long ride to raise more money for kiddies hospitals who looked after my nepehew last and into this year.
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