That is top advice. If you can find somewhere like that, just keep trundling around slowly and your instinct will eventually take over. I'd also suggest not trying to over-think it. While there are certainly good reasons why people can have trouble steering, I think it's usually just because your instinct hasn't caught on yet, and the more you concentrate on specific remedies the more you'll be *thinking* about steering and not letting your instincts work it out for themselves.Find an open space so you don't need to worry about crashing into hazards, then just ride around, let your mind wander, become part of the bike. After a while, start aiming for something ahead, think about the path you want to take and you'll go that way.
Don't even think about riding near traffic until you feel confident about controlling the bike.
Only then start practicing your road skills.
And no, definitely don't go anywhere near traffic until you can steer safely!