With that bike I second the idea of Ergon grips. Globalti mentioned saddle height which to me is a Big Deal......here's here's why. If your saddle is too low it is like walking in a crouch, which is tiring and hard on your knees. A saddle high enough to allow you to extend your legs as you pedal will mean the effort you make to turn the crank arms is made with a leg only bent a little, like when you stride, and not with a leg bent as in the bottom of a deep knee bend. Much easier on them knees. If you tilt your saddle nose up it will result in your weight going backward and will in turn unweight you hands. Narrow firm saddles soon become much more comfortable than thick, soft saddles which chafe your nethers and put weight on the nerve into your member instead of on your sitbones, where the weight does not pinch that important nerve. You will enjoy riding any distance a lot more if you find shorts that are gusseted so as to prevent putting your,weight on a seam. Or, wear lycra bike shorts with padding. The best shorts and saddles, in my opinion , are those you don't think about when you ride. Happy trails, amigo!