Before and after streches

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Hi Guys,

Is there any before and after stretches you would highly recommend, or the best? I seem to be having sore quads after riding for over 2 miles?

Personally I don't bother stretching before rides, and only after rides when I remember :laugh:


Legendary Member
I wouldn't stretch before riding, but warm up slowly, which may not be enough if aching after two miles. Is your bike set up right, saddle height etc? If my saddle is too low my legs can ache

After exercise, I do quad stretches (pull heel to bum), calf stretch (weight through front leg, stretch out rear leg), hamstring stretch (rear leg bent, front foot on heel toes in air), I also have ITB stretches and various others for back

If you google leg stretches, you should get info/pics/videos

All this advice came from my physio


One of the 64K
Current wisdom, as mentioned, is that passive stretching has no positive effects before exercise and may very well have negative ones. Feeling seems to be warm up by riding but doing it slower with the odd increase in cadence and then drop back to work your muscles and get warmth in to them. There is an article in this months Cyclist about warming up and down that gives suggestions for warming up and pretty much says cooling down, no-one really knows yet. Again the current advice is don't just ride hard and stop dead. Either do some warm down stretches, or again bring your speed down to a slower pace and just let your legs do some easy work before you hang the bike up.


I wouldn't stretch before riding, but warm up slowly, which may not be enough if aching after two miles. Is your bike set up right, saddle height etc? If my saddle is too low my legs can ache

After exercise, I do quad stretches (pull heel to bum), calf stretch (weight through front leg, stretch out rear leg), hamstring stretch (rear leg bent, front foot on heel toes in air), I also have ITB stretches and various others for back

If you google leg stretches, you should get info/pics/videos

All this advice came from my physio


Thanks for your information, It could be my seat then maybe, not sure how or if my position is right but I will try and find out a bit more and see if that is what is going on.


Thanks everyone for the information and advise, it may well be my riding position not sure how or if my position is right but I will try and find out a bit more and see if that is what is going on


Legendary Member
Rudimentally: To determine saddle height - wearing the shoes you cycle in - sit on the saddle and put one pedal at the 6 o clock position. Put your heel on the pedal and there should be slight bend in the knee. If the leg is traight/knee locked, saddle too high. If over bent, saddle too low :smile: You may just about to reach the floor, you may need to tilt the bike to do so (or dismount)

When you lean forward to the bars, you should have a slight bend in your elbows

Joints shouldn't feel locked out

Should be lots of set up vids on YouTube

(this should not replace post ride stretching - assuming you are doing more than a couple of miles)
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Rudimentally: To determine saddle height - wearing the shoes you cycle in - sit on the saddle and put one pedal at the 6 o clock position. Put your heel on the pedal and there should be slight bend in it. If the leg is traight/knee locked, saddle too high. If over bent, saddle too low :smile: You may just about to reach the floor, you may need to tilt the bike to do so (or dismount)

When you lean forward to the bars, you should have a slight bend in your elbows

Joints shouldn't feel locked out

Should be lots of set up vids on YouTube

(this should not replace post ride stretching - assuming you are doing more than a couple of miles)

Hi, thanks for all the information and advice, I will try this before my journey back and give it a go and see what happens.

Thanks again.


World class procrastinator
I never stretch before. I do some stretching after but sometimes I just head for the kettle, reach for the teabags, then bend gently down to get the milk then up again for the biscuits.
Seriously, stretching afterwards is beneficial, not that I always remember TBH. I never stretch before. I have been known to have a bit of a stretch about 5 miles in to a ride, when I am warmed up if something feels a bit off.


Legendary Member
I never stretch before. I do some stretching after but sometimes I just head for the kettle, reach for the teabags, then bend gently down to get the milk then up again for the biscuits.
Seriously, stretching afterwards is beneficial, not that I always remember TBH. I never stretch before. I have been known to have a bit of a stretch about 5 miles in to a ride, when I am warmed up if something feels a bit off.
For some people getting the milk out of the fridge is stretching, and if the teabags are on a high shelf its a workout. :giggle:
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