I've always swithered between BrewDog being cool and then being c*nts.
I am no longer in any doubt. Thankfully I only have one can of Punk IPA left and will be able to get rid of that tonight.
When I heard that the local Fourpure were taken over by Lion I feared the same kind of shenanigans but I was pleasantly surprised when I popped in on Thursday evening. Having mightily enjoyed their Nightfall Stout, I thought I'd have go with some of their other dark beers. The second pint, a Peanut Butter and Jelly Stout, turned out to be what they called a ''staff beer,'' brewed in very small quantities and probably only available at the taproom. Suspecting that ''Staff beer'' was a way of getting round some kind of corporate brewing protocol, I asked whether that was the case when the guy who'd told me that was how it was brewed passed on glass collecting duties. He said, no, Lion had left them alone and the injection of cash had allowed them to experiment more.
It confirmed that Fourpure brew some very fine stouts; it sounds like it might be cloying but it wasn't sweet, having just a fruity aftertang that reminded me of lime marmalade.
I had a Sugar Skull before that. It's a Mexican chocolate porter, chock full of chocolate with a chilli zing to it. Another really fine beer. As they have had Sugar Skull t-shirts made, I think it might be a longer lived beer, so you outre-Londonians might get a sample some time in the future. Sneak preview....