Is that laminated ply 3BM?

Is that laminated ply 3BM?
Tried the other one tonight. Very similar look, carbonation and head, like they were mass produced by a big manufacturer or something.Dublin Guiness Porter. I know, Guiness, 3bm will be turning in his grave. Not bad though, 1.50 a bottle, for an English pint.
Used to be Marstons (I got a few bottles of it for my birthday last year). Very nice, iirc!I had a 'Taste the Difference' IPA from Sainos just now - not bad at all.
CBA to get my glasses to read the small print and see who the brewer was!
After last weekends disappointment with the Honey Ale, I spotted "Gold Miner" by the same brewery in the Co-op this evening - much better, but still a bit meh. Brewed in the New Forest by The Free Miner Brewery.
I'd be getting some of those excellent Scottish beers down me before the Yes vote goes through and the whole country gets flushed down the pan. Maybe.
There will be feck all left if it's a YES vote and I get my hands on it - next Friday night might be a blur irrespective of how it goes...
Attaboy - boosting the economy!
As a mark of how highly I regard you, I'll send you some of this: