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After being lamped by a burglar at work a couple of weeks back, the bosses kindly bought me a selection of interesting English ales as a small recognition of what I went through.

So tonight is English ale night.
Sod the bloody diet, after being sent for an interview by an agency only to find out that company DON'T ACTUALLY HAVE ANY BLOODY JOBS GOING AT THE MOMENT AS THE ONE I GOT SENT A JD FOR HAS BEEN FILLED FFS. I am just about done with this Westmalle dubbel and will move onto a few more (a paulaner dunkel and.... Something else)


Just cracked open a bottle of Green Flash' Imperial IPA. Really excellent - as is everything from Green Flash.


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Another IPA being supped here .........

........... Greene King :thumbsup:


Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
No beer due to diet (cheated at lunch with a kernel and a surprisingly good but v v expensive Sam smiths oatmeal stout) tonight, but I am putting a bit of a dent in my calvados (Pierre magloire)

Sammy Smith's Oatmeal Stout is very good - just shows that northerners can make the odd decent beer. What Kernel did you have cpb, let's have some detail please?
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