my daughter stopped me taking pics of beers as she called me a sad old man.
however on holiday i started again.
cornish beer
really nice and smooth. slightly cloudy so no finings added
the ones below are from the brewery tour of St Austell ales.
will be LOTS more pics of the bottled ones i could buy. this was nice and hoppy but not over powering.
after the previous beer this was a good light one to clean gob for the rest of the tour. almost lagery
this was the last one we tasted. originally brewed in 1981 there were a few crates lost and recent ly found at brewery when the museum was being renovated. was brewed as HSD ( Hicks Special Draught) and rebottled. for a 35 yrs old beer that has been kept in dark and cool it was stunning. tasted of christmas pudding and toffee. sadly no picture as was a bit wobbly by then having had equivalent of about 6 pints at 10am !
there were a few i didnt get pics of but will be looking out for later in year as they get bottled for christmas beer festival. bad habit at 8.2% was a good one. and there was another belgianesque one too. small batch brews is what you need to look for