Yesterday evening I was mostly been drinking.... Washington State.
Here was the beer list...
My scrappy notes, in total, say
Georgetown Porter with oats 6.2% Seattle
Iron Horse Irish Death 7.8% Ellensburg, WA
Wingman Peanut Butter Cup Porter off Tacoma
Georgetown Bob's Beer Brown Ale 6.2% Seattle
As usual everything was served too cold, and I was too thirsty to wait until it came up to a sensible temperature. But it was all pretty good basic malty stuff. At least everything that I had was - I was disappointed that the Peanut Butter Cup Porter was off, for obvious reasons.
I washed that lot down with a decent burger and sweet potato fries, and an appetiser that will make some people recoil in horror but was delicious. Roasted brussels sprouts with balsamic glaze. A refreshing change after a week of meat, meat, meat, bread and more meat.