Corn Fed Hick...
- Location
- ...on the slake
Northern Monk IPA, standard IPA stuff, I've tasted worse.
I like the liberal attitude to accepted norms that this photo adopts.Draught Burning Sky easy answer
Lovely balance and perfect with the manic nutters
View attachment 127697
I like the liberal attitude to accepted norms that this photo adopts.
Employing, in the face of the traditional law of thirds, the law of halves, Rich offers up the empty blue sky as the main constituent and leads the viewer unconsciously away from the actuality that there is beer hidden in this photograph. In fact, the vast depth of field further leads us towards the family portrait ("toddler in pool") filling a full quarter of the composition, right on the centre line, ultimately taking the eye cunningly on a journey along the line of the fence and on to the neighbour's extension.
Lovely stuff.
Northern Monk IPA