Strategically placed giant Guardian Easter cryptic...*zooms in on the crosswwoorrdd*
*oh sod. It's out of focus.*

Strategically placed giant Guardian Easter cryptic...*zooms in on the crosswwoorrdd*
*oh sod. It's out of focus.*
Yours was a weekday Grauniad?*zooms in on the crosswwoorrdd*
*oh sod. It's out of focus.*
Are those ... horns??
It was. And I haven't even looked at the crossword. Bit we're only about two-thirds of the way through Saturday's eenntteerrttaaiinniinngg crosswwoorrdd.Yours was a weekday Grauniad?
If you need any tips...It was. And I haven't even looked at the crossword. Bit we're only about two-thirds of the way through Saturday's eenntteerrttaaiinniinngg crosswwoorrdd.
Yeh, a glass of beer poured in memory of the big fella. Rest In Pies Vernon.
TMIDoggin' tonight
That's your filthy mind, I'm in Newcastle.
BrewDog are doing a tap-take over in Rotterdam tomorrow, but I'm off to Belgium.
Wish they would take over Tescos Punk, no nuffink. Cheersing Vernon with Chablis from the frigo instead. 'Cheers Vernon!'BrewDog are doing a tap-take over in Rotterdam tomorrow, but I'm off to Belgium.