I really like this Marble Lagonda. Right up there with their Earl Grey. A hint of Granny Smith about it. The apple not the old girl mouldering away in the corner
JtM will be along soon to applaud my photo skills anytime now...
View attachment 117045
Yeastie Boys in the background?I really like this Marble Lagonda. Right up there with their Earl Grey. A hint of Granny Smith about it. The apple not the old girl mouldering away in the corner
JtM will be along soon to applaud my photo skills anytime now...
View attachment 117045
Good spot! Another fave but my daughter snaffled that one. Saving me from temptation...Yeastie Boys in the background?
I love it. And that green jasmine tea IPA I had in Edinburgh. I put this poncery down to your ludicrous influence.Good spot! Another fave but my daughter snaffled that one. Saving me from temptation...
In my defence, my first posts in this thread were belittling poncey bottled beers. I blame DP and 3BM, they've cost me and my liver a king's ransom.I love it. And that green jasmine tea IPA I had in Edinburgh. I put this poncery down to your ludicrous influence.
No, it looks like a Montepulciano to me.Yeastie Boys in the background?
A triumphant return to form.I really like this Marble Lagonda. Right up there with their Earl Grey. A hint of Granny Smith about it. The apple not the old girl mouldering away in the corner
JtM will be along soon to applaud my photo skills anytime now...
View attachment 117045
A triumphant return to form.
This photograph teases us - is it the farther bottle that's the point of focus? The wine glass? Or the tiles and pans in the far background? Rich P, in this challenging composition, forces us to examine our assumptions, not only about the subject of his picture, but about the very nature of photography and visual art itself.
View attachment 117048
Nice paradigms Rich P....your image at once situates and refuses to situate itself in the interstitial space between a subject and a non subjectA triumphant return to form.
This photograph teases us - is it the farther bottle that's the point of focus? The wine glass? Or the tiles and pans in the far background? Rich P, in this challenging composition, forces us to examine our assumptions, not only about the subject of his picture, but about the very nature of photography and visual art itself.
View attachment 117048
I'm perplexed.The chalkboard's the real teaser isn't it? Just enough out of focus to make it impossible to decipher. Or maybe that was in focus and it's just Rich's dodgy writing.
I've a horrible feeling it's some subliminal message for me to buy his beer for him in Llandudno
This is prize tosser territory: Mrs M would be devastated.A triumphant return to form.
This photograph teases us - is it the farther bottle that's the point of focus? The wine glass? Or the tiles and pans in the far background? Rich P, in this challenging composition, forces us to examine our assumptions, not only about the subject of his picture, but about the very nature of photography and visual art itself.
View attachment 117048
The sought-after item you mention was once saved on my desktop under the file name "packet.jpg". I fear it was a casualty of some so-called upgrade. However I have at least one hard copy (if you'll forgive the expression), as part of one FNRttC-related publication or other. No bids on Ebay so far.I'm perplexed.
Maybe the assembled could throw some light upon this enigma that is Rich.
One moment, we don't want him, or his photographs to be in 'crisp' focus. He digests the comments...and the next thing is he is being castigated for his Monet-like impressionism. For those of you who haven't seen an example of Rich in crisp focus, I can only imagine that you would all regard it as a thing of wonder...
Golden Wonder.
Over to you for the photo @theclaud
I am still empathising with my Warrior friend Marmion (except for a bottle of champagne IPA that passed my lips on Sunday 24th inst.) Mossy is reckless in his search for 'dry January' it seems. Even MartinT started posting photos of beer - albeit with the tops on (tight Northern git alert - nothing's changed) until he got so thirsty he actually opened one...and he was only rescued by cycling 'the next day'.
What a life!
I walked past the Harp tonight in solidarity with Marm...after all, it's not often that the last eight in the Champions Cup doesn't include Scotch. Or Welsh, Irish, Italian etc...and that one of the finalists will be English for sure...
Now, I have Innis & G or a bow-wow Punk to choose from...hmmm. No. Camomile, fennel and vanilla it is...(sounds like a DP special brew)
Anyway, Marm...
View attachment 117116
HahahahahahahaI'm as good as wasted on one bottle of the stuff.