Anyway, back on topic.....
I'm organising a party at the end of the month, and the venue only sells crap beer. My colleague who is heping my organise has found that one of our other colleagues is married to someone who works at the Surrey Hills brewery. They'll charge us about £2 a pint for a keg, and the venue will charge us £1.70 a pint corkage. Which means that importing our own decent beer will be cheaper than buying the bottles of London Pride that the venue sells.
So this evening I went on a beer hunt to check up on the . The beer in question is Shere Drop, their premium bitter. My phone told me that the 'spoons in Guildford sold the stuff. It wasn't on, so being a well brought-up chap I had a pint of Old Growler rather than walk out without buying anything. I'm afraid I didn't take a photo of the carpet.
My colleague had told me that the Guildford Tup sold the stuff, so I went up there. It didn't. It did have one of the brewery's other beers - Ranmore, their 3.8% session beer. Very pale and at the hoppiest end of what I think is OK.
I'm now drinking Cheshire Chocolate Porter from M&S (speaking of hot drinks...) It's moderately chocolately, but not very porterish - it looks and tastes more like a straightforward bitter. I don't know whether it's just me, but this crop of M&S beers seem rather less impressive than the previous crops I've had.