Corn Fed Hick...
- Location
- ...on the slake
Last one from DP. This is great, so much more than just hop.
And very nice it was too. Now onto "old" style 7.1% Rooie Dop Chica Americana, brewed at De Molen ("new" style is 6.6% and brewed at Ramses Bier)This evening one of the beers I shall be drinking not only has non-proper cappage it doesnae even have a label on the bottle - what kind of craziness is this?
Bear Claw Fool - a 4.6% Saison from a nano-brewery in Berwick, Englandshire
I'm struggling to post this as I have a raging hangover........
Went out in Xi'an last night after dinner to a bar called Mototo. Specialist international premium beer establishment. It's a bit like a supermarket at the back
You pick up a basket and put the beers you want into it. Then go to the till to pay. Then you sit down and drink it all.
Loads of good stuff
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Sorry no verbose reviews. They were all really nice. That's about all I can manage to say. Sam Smiths Imperial Stout was excellent I seem to remember. After a few it felt like I was swimming along a river of beery loveliness
DeMo bottom left!