Corn Fed Hick...
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- ...on the slake
Just stumbled across this French artiste de la pissoir, Gavarni, he enjoyed a glass or several of English and Scotchish ale. There's a volume of writing what he has illustrated, this is an extract from the chapter 'The Barmaid' together with his illustration.
Thus the Barmaid seems to be a kind of moral salamander, living unharmed in the midst of the amorous furnace in which Destiny has placed her. Long habit has perhaps inured her o this state of insensibility, upon which her safety as well as her happiness depends; but we believe it is an established fact in her history that no Barmaid ever gave away her heart, or permitted it to be sponged from her fingers’ ends, across the counter.
It is during her soiree — when her little court is filled with Gents, swells, and loungers from the theatres, that the Barmaid’s triumph is at its height. Then in the plenitude of her power she flings hack saucy repartees to pert addresses, and generally — for she has the sympathies of her audience with her — turns the laugh against the fool who has the temerity to hazard a skirmish of wit with her.
"Gents, swells and loungers" excellent!
Here's another of his drawings, a young @rich p on the lash with a "pert address", I'd say he's a swell or a lounger.
Thus the Barmaid seems to be a kind of moral salamander, living unharmed in the midst of the amorous furnace in which Destiny has placed her. Long habit has perhaps inured her o this state of insensibility, upon which her safety as well as her happiness depends; but we believe it is an established fact in her history that no Barmaid ever gave away her heart, or permitted it to be sponged from her fingers’ ends, across the counter.
It is during her soiree — when her little court is filled with Gents, swells, and loungers from the theatres, that the Barmaid’s triumph is at its height. Then in the plenitude of her power she flings hack saucy repartees to pert addresses, and generally — for she has the sympathies of her audience with her — turns the laugh against the fool who has the temerity to hazard a skirmish of wit with her.
"Gents, swells and loungers" excellent!

Here's another of his drawings, a young @rich p on the lash with a "pert address", I'd say he's a swell or a lounger.