Meme bar
- Location
- ...I don't have much idea - really.
Oh...that's OK then - it's safe to drink.Made by Wychwood, they're from Witney, funny bunch over that way.
Anyway, being offered beer at work isn't normal (I'm neither a Northern Nomad languishing in London, nor a plywood purveyor with a penchant... )
So I was surprised to be given a bottle of Champion. Never tasted before but, to coin a phrase 'very nice' as it was bitter, but sweet. Couldn't drink loads of it although one wasn't enough...I was hungry late into the afternoon. (And I was expecting something like a Becks etc!)
And then, having expressed appreciation for the flavoursome brew, I got this on Sunday. "Yes madam, I'm available for work next week too...will you be going shopping?"
And that's work? About time I found happiness.
Right, off to joust with the lorries and the mobile media slobs in London now...reality strikes back.