Found this last night .... ver nice, Beer with a Pusser's Rum finish!
Pusser's Rum brings back memories!
It is a corruption of the word "Purser" who looked after stores on a ship
Was awarded at special occasions as a tot... "Splice the Mainbrace" We would all have to smartly march up to the Master at Arms, recite name rank and number. Your measure was then served from a large oak and brass vat......
As one wise man said:
A heartwarming salute to 100 years of Naval Aviation, this unqiue blend of Wadworth ale and Pusser's Rum certainly hits the spot. Brewed with the original Admiralty Rum, Swordfish is dedicated to the unswerving courage of the Fairey Swordfish torpedo bombers of WW2. Expect a smooth, 5.0% rich bodied beer with gentle sweetness and a mild rum aroma.
Pusser's Rum brings back memories!
It is a corruption of the word "Purser" who looked after stores on a ship
Was awarded at special occasions as a tot... "Splice the Mainbrace" We would all have to smartly march up to the Master at Arms, recite name rank and number. Your measure was then served from a large oak and brass vat......

As one wise man said:
“The only way to drink a tot is to swallow it whole, grimace, and sit down to appreciate the glow which spreads from the stomach and engenders that wonderful feeling of peace and bohomie”
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