Maverick Goose
A jumped up pantry boy, who never knew his place
- Location
- A champagne supernova in the sky
I've been spending too much time down the pub and not enough time posting in Beer....muy bad

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I'm celebrating my return to Anacortes with a can of Kirin Ichiban. It's quite tasty even though it's not two deer.
''Merry Christmas Mr Rawrence....''"One of the world's most unique". Tut tut tut. Don't these Jap chaps know proper English?
This, which I may have mentioned before, is excellent:
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This, however, looks properly interesting - looking forward to opening it later:
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It's made for M&S by Adnams, which is usually a good sign.
The best M+S one I tried in the UK last week was the single hop Jester. Hadn't heard of Jester before, but suspect we're going to see more of it.
The Sorachi Ace is nice. You can definitely taste the hop, although it's not the funkiest of saisons.
I had the Jester once but wasn't so keen - can't remember why, perhaps I should try it again.
The only one I really haven't liked that I've tried is the Boadicea. Again, can't remember why...
It's had a mench already... Beer?
French black stuff. Expected it to be a bit dodge, but actually OK. Some kind of Celtic thing going with the label.
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