There a couple of De Struise on the menu here, Ignis Et Flammas and St Amatus, I've got to work tomorrow though.
Ignis et Flamme's not all that. St Amatus is alright though!
There a couple of De Struise on the menu here, Ignis Et Flammas and St Amatus, I've got to work tomorrow though.
That would buy Rich and I a pint of Kernel citra each and you would still have£12 and 20 pence.
Innis and Gunn to open their 1st bar/kitchen/wankery project in Edinburgh
Apparently there's a brothel above the bar. Not opened by Innis and Gunn I hasten to add, so unlikely to include a beer afterwards.
£12 and 20 pence.
Is that the Scotchish House of Lords perchance?Apparently there's a brothel above the bar. Not opened by Innis and Gunn I hasten to add, so unlikely to include a beer afterwards.
I had some last night at Tweedies in Grasmere-hubba hubba. Well done Fyne Ales and de Molen....slainte to both!Mills Hills - good beer that one!
Electric Wok.Why do you use a double plug adaptor when there's a spare socket? We need to know stuff like this.
Apparently there's a brothel above the bar. Not opened by Innis and Gunn I hasten to add, so unlikely to include a beer afterwards.
Look out @Delftse Post, Thornbridge are on their way, only a 60 mile cycle ride away.
Talking of heavily advertised products (I'm afraid that ad for the Guinness "Golden" "Ale" makes me never want to try it), during the last ad break in the C5 cricket highlight coverage there was an ad for something called the "British Beer Alliance".Mrs M is away, so I'm consoling myself with an entire bottle of beer.
This time, it's Guiness' Golden Ale (4.5% abv)
View attachment 98135
Certainly different to a run of the mill gold - a big hit of sweet malt, with perhaps a little of the smoky Guiness taste lurking there (or possibly my expectations tasting what isn't there). There are hops to balance it, but they're of the fresh, herby type, and never really come to the fore in the taste, to my mind at least. A nicely balanced beer, in the upper rank of Golden Ales (which, as we've remarked before, can tend to the bland). If you want a change from hop monsters, or like a malty brew in any case, give this a try.