It's 11:30am and the blighters aren't open...
Couldn't you sit in the park with a bottle of Gayners Olde Englush until they drag their sorry arses out of bed. My brewery was open, we have stock!
There is a bloke next door selling cider
There's also a bloke inside - I'd be chapping at the door and getting him to open it quicksmart. Use the internationally recognised gesture of raising your cupped hand to your mouth that signifies "I'm gasping for a beer"There is a bloke next door selling cider
DP, I'm just looking up Kaapse and their website says open at 12.
Tell me about it. It's 12:23 and they're stii not open. Some of us are parched!
I've had 3 consecutive nights on the lash so my liver deserves a day off but it goes against the grain (or hop) to have a dry Saturday.
Any advice from the beer sages?
I've had 3 consecutive nights on the lash so my liver deserves a day off but it goes against the grain (or hop) to have a dry Saturday.
Any advice from the beer sages?
Good idea, and I have an unser aventinus calling my name.Table beer from Kernel to get your eye in. Then onto something more substantial!